[DOCUMENT START]R.U.G. is the abriviation of "Run until gone". It is executed when users lose control of their vessel. It will run on the current monster bot, which will instantly initiate its chasing mode, regardless of the location of the rogue vessel. As the name implies, the character this is executed on will keep running until the vessel is dead or somewhere inaccessible, in which case the character will, instead, teleport 1 meter to the east of the vessel. If this file is corrupted in any way, a copy is available at the 2nd highest floor of node 931141971. One must go there and press a red button to restore R.U.G. to its original form. Thankfully, an invincible NPC is always located there, which will constantly execute R.U.G. towards a table in the room which is respawned every 5 seconds. If the NPC doesn't destroy the table within 10 seconds, then a different R.U.G. is executed, in which the NPC has to press the red button on the room. Every time someone takes the elevator to that floor, R.U.G. is instantly executed by the monster in node 931141971, unless if the people in the elevator have status of Junior Moderator or higher. If no monster bot is present in the node R.U.G. is executed, then a rug is spawned at coordinates 0,0,0 of node, which will have R.U.G. execute on it. The rug will try to choke the vessel with itself, and will also possess other rugs in the level, which will pull themselves when the vessel steps on them, causing the vessel to slip. Truly a fail-proof system, developed by {employee fired}.[DOCUMENT END]