[DOCUMENT START]A vessel is a sentient 3d model of anything, which can be "possessed", so to say. They have their own personalities... dreams... objectives... but they are limited to the area around them, in the computer. Most of them do not know that they are a part of a simulation, and that their world is not normal. Most of them don't even know how they look like, since recent experiments showed that mirrors are not to be put in any simulation, due to performance issues. However, some are "awaken", which means that they are aware of their sad reality, and it is unknown how they managed to get that knowledge. When not possessed, normal vessels will walk around, talk with other vessels, if there are others, and behave like any other human being, regardless of what their 3d model actualy is. Awaken vessels will, instead, confront the users, show them a "piece of their mind"... how foolish. Anyways, possession is basicaly when a form of intelligence, human, animal or artificial, starts controlling a vessel. When possessed, vessels will behave in one of three ways: PREDIFINED (P), UNDEFINED (U), or NEVER-DEFINED (N). P vessels, when possessed, will behave on a set of predifined choices, having little to no liberty for their own actions. These are normaly used for "choose your own adventure" sites or just NPCs. U vessels will not behave on a strict path, letting the possesser choose what to do with it without having to rely on a chosen path. N vessels do... nothing. When possessed, the N vessel will be anchored, no matter the gravity direction, appearing as it was floating. Neither the vessel or the user can do anything. Mostly N vessels are occupied by artificial intelligences... without the inteligence part. N vessels are normaly part of the area geometry. In all of these, the possessor is the one who decides what to do or not to do, but the vessel feels everything, regardless of type. If you wish to change the type of vessel, press ctrl+a+w+e+u+i+o+p+l+z. That will bring up the vessel editor, if you have permission to. Awaken intelligences behave mostly the same, but will sometimes kick the user from their model. That normaly happens when a new level is loaded. When "killed", vessels will instead respawn at the designated spot or the closest spot near 0,0,0. It is important to note that possessed vessels will lose all memory if they die, unless you have saved at an earlier point. However, if a vessel dies while unpossessed, its soul will be lost forever.
LEGAL FOOTNOTE: If any of the vessels you bought present phenomenon similar/equal to the ones underlined, please contact Vessels and Voxels ltd. for a substitution. V and V ltd. is not responsible for: harm done to machine, trauma caused by vessels, vessels lost or awakened during use, or skill issue (: [DOCUMENT END]